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About the Concert Choir

Concert Choir (MUS 115) Concert Choir is a mixed choir that specializes in accompanied choral repertoire and cappella works appropriate for large chorus. The Concert Choir regularly collaborates with the Wake Forest Choral Society, the University’s Symphony Orchestra, instrumental faculty chamber ensembles, and musicians from the Winston-Salem Symphony.

Concert Choir performs fall and spring concerts, the annual Holiday Concert and Lovefeast, and the end-of-year Masterworks concert with the combined Wake Forest University choirs.

Meeting only two times per week, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 – 4:45 PM, Concert Choir is the perfect fit for students who feel they are unable to commit to the rigorous Chamber Choir rehearsal and performing schedule.

Great effort is taken to ensure that members of Concert Choir develop the kind of esprit de corps and camaraderie that reinforces sensitive choral artistry. Concert Choir peers will become like family to you; it’s a wonderful place to make friends, meet new people, engage in the spirit of Wake’s Pro Humanitate motto through community outreach, and learn more about yourself and about music at the same time!